Please register before the beginning of the auction in order to receive your personal bidder number, which you will need in order to make a bid.
Please download the PDF registration form.
The Registration Fee & Entrance will cost 50 Euro per Person and should be paid in advance via Bank Transfer to:
Account Holder: Festspielhaus Afrika gGmbH
Bank: Pax Bank
IBAN: DE65 3706 0193 6004 3100 10
please note „Registration“ as reason for transfer
After receiving the payment we will send your Bidding Registration via post.
Or register at KÖNIG GALERIE, Alexandrinenstr. 118 - 121, 10969 Berlin, at the Registration Counter on the 22nd of September between 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm. In order to facilitate the organization we would, however, like to ask you to register as early as possible.
Download: Registration Form [PDF]